
This award is presented to the most innovative nomination for an ICT solution that provides tools for the management or creation of hardware or software infrastructure.

Any program or service designed to carry out or provide any of, but not limited to, the following:

  • A means or methodology for the development of software;
  • Increase in the efficiency of systems or personnel through system performance measurement tools;
  • Decision support and executive information systems;
  • Conversion of programs from one programming language to another;
  • Software Resilience (e.g. Disaster Recovery facilities or plans);
  • The monitoring of computer systems or communications usage;
  • Cloud Computing services (loosely defined as the enablement of ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction);
  • Virtualization facilities, including those in operating systems, servers, storage devices or network resources;
  • The improvement of systems performance or reliability;
  • The retrieval, organization, management and manipulation of data and databases, including large unstructured data sets.

The emphasis of this category is on the provision of the means to enhance the operation of information technology systems, and to improve the productivity of personnel using the software.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Weighting Criteria Attributes Attributes Weighting Description
 20% Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation  60% Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting  40% Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
 25% Market Potential Market Share & Potential  60% The product has a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets, has a good product growth path, e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified product addressing different needs, as well as a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy  40% Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
 25% Functionalities/Features User Requirements  50% The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability  50% The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
 20% Quality/
Application of Technology
Content & Standards  60% The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability  40% The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
 10% Presentation Organisation of Presentation  50% The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries  50% Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

The Communication award is presented to the most innovative ICT solution supporting or providing any form of communication service.

Any application software, hardware and infrastructure or its combination that relates with any transmission of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, voice, video, data, or intelligence of any nature by digital or analog, electromagnetic or electronic signals through existing and emerging media (e.g., radio, telephone, television, facsimile, SMS, MMS, GPRS, Internet, WiFi, WiMax, 3G, LTE, Bluetooth, RFID, NFC, IPTV).

The application must be developed specifically for the communications industry.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Weighting Criteria Attributes Attributes Weighting Description
 20% Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation  60% Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting  40% Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
 25% Market Potential Market Share & Potential  60% The product has a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets, has a good product growth path, e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified product addressing different needs, as well as a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy  40% Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
 25% Functionalities/Features User Requirements  50% The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability  50% The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
 20% Quality/
Application of Technology
Content & Standards  60% The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability  40% The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
 10% Presentation Organisation of Presentation  50% The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries  50% Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

The e-Learning award recognises the most successful and innovative application of ICT to the delivery of education and training.

Any application software, contents, hardware or its combination, that serves the needs of learners to acquire knowledge and skills through information and communication technologies through interactive, personalized and distributed learning resources to create active e-learning communities.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation The product demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting The product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
Market Potential Market Share & Potential The product has:

  • a good share in the domestic market
  • some market potential in regional and/or international markets
  • a good product growth path (i.e., is likely to evolve into diversified products addressing different needs)
  • a high potential to take over market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
User Requirements The features of the product:

  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of customer implementation
  • empower most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility/ Interoperability/ Security The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
Quality/Application of Technology  Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of SCORM/IMS/AICC/LOMS, etc; and provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability The product has proven to be consistently stable and reliable with end-users.
Presentation Organisation of Presentation The presentation communicates on the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This award is presented to the most innovative ICT solution offered to the financial industry.

Any application software, hardware or its combination to support and enable process of transferring and managing capital or funds or monetary related entities within or across the enterprise in a various related industry such as banking, insurance, stock exchange, fund management, and multi finance.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Weighting Criteria Attributes Attributes Weighting Description
 20% Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation  60% Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting  40% Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
 25% Market Potential Market Share & Potential  60% The product has a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets, has a good product growth path, e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified product addressing different needs, as well as a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy  40% Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
 25% Functionalities/Features User Requirements  50% The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability  50% The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
 20% Quality/
Application of Technology
Content & Standards  60% The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability  40% The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
 10% Presentation Organisation of Presentation  50% The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries  50% Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

The Government & Public Sector award is presented for outstanding ICT innovation dedicated to delivering improved government and public sector service delivery or other electronic initiatives to the community.

Any application software, hardware or its combination that enable cost efficient, effective and transparent government and public sector services.

Such services can be offered by government institutions (e.g. a government department), government funded/owned organizations (e.g. a national/city airport), or government licensed organizations (e.g. an organisation providing mass transportation, or a public utility such as power or water).


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation The product demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting The product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
Value to Public/ Government/ Community Accessibility & Reach Most of the local people are using this product which demonstrates easy-to-use, cost-effective and a positive social impact, plus it has a good potential to be exported to another place.
Transparency & Impact on Quality of Life Product is able to fulfil user requirements to ensure fairness and equitability of public information and services. It also transforms most of the government processes to be more customer-centric and enhances the welfare and well-being of the target user groups.
User Requirements The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • shows good evidence of implementation from the customer;
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily/efficiently; and
  • the design provides scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility/ Interoperability/ Security The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market, easy to maintain and fulfils all the basic user requirements for a secured system.
Quality/Application of Technology Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product stability & Reliability The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
Presentation Organisation The presentation communicates on the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

The Health & Wellbeing award is presented to the most innovative ICT solution that supports superior outcomes across the broad spectrum of services and activities delivered by healthcare professionals.

Any application software, hardware or its combination that relates to the broad spectrum of services provided to individuals or communities by a health care system or by professionals to promote, maintain, monitor, or restore health and wellbeing.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Weighting Criteria Attributes Attributes Weighting Description
 20% Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation  60% Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting  40% Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
 25% Market Potential Market Share & Potential  60% The product has a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets, has a good product growth path, e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified product addressing different needs, as well as a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy  40% Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
 25% Functionalities/Features User Requirements  50% The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability  50% The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
 20% Quality/
Application of Technology
Content & Standards  60% The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability  40% The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
 10% Presentation Organisation of Presentation  50% The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries  50% Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This award is presented to the ICT solution that best supports, promotes or encourages social inclusion or community cohesion.

Any application software, hardware or its combination to support the community in the member economy's society with the aim to promote the rights and needs of particular groups; or to improve the wellbeing, quality of life and standard of living of the community with the ultimate intent to bridge the digital divide. The funding to the initiative and the development can be provided by the Government or private institution or both.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation The product demonstrates:
  • a high level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product
  • a good mix of functions and features, and
  • a focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
Value to Community & Society at large Accessibility, Reach and Sustainability Most of the local people are using this product which demonstrates easy-to-use, easy to maintain, cost-effective and a positive social impact, plus it has a good potential to be exported to another place.
Social Integration & Impact on Quality of Life The product identifies, includes and empowers the user, assists the user to integrate with society at large and/or transforms and enhances the welfare and well-being of the user.
User Requirements The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the user
  • empowers users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • the designs provides scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility/ Interoperability/ Security The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market, easy to maintain and fulfils all the basic user requirements for a secured system.
Application of Technology
Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product stability & Reliability The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
Presentation Organisation The presentation communicates on the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

The Industrial Application award recognises ICT innovation that delivers improved outcomes in industrial processes or activity.

Any application of software, hardware or its combination to improve the process performance of engineering and manufacturing, services and to increase efficiency and productivity e.g. Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), optimization devices and system, process effectiveness monitoring tools, data acquisition software, SCADA, process and discrete manufacturing, oil and gas, robotics, simulation and electronics.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Weighting Criteria Attributes Attributes Weighting Description
 25% Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation  60% Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting  40% Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
 20% Market Potential Market Share & Potential  60% The product has a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets, has a good product growth path, e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified product addressing different needs, as well as a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy  40% Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
 20% Functionalities/Features User Requirements  50% The features of the product:


  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability  50% The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
 25% Quality/
Application of Technology
Content & Standards  60% The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability  40% The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
 10% Presentation Organisation of Presentation  50% The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries  50% Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

The Media and Entertainment Technology award is presented to the best ICT innovation delivering superior outcomes in the media and entertainment industries.

Any application software, hardware, or its combination that relates to the process of combining text, sound, pictures, and videos, to create a diversion that holds the attention (entertainment), in the form of multimedia, Infotainment, Immersive and interactive e.g. the technology innovation to develop advanced human characterization and socialization. Including in this category is the application aforementioned through internet medium and mobile devices delivery.

Any application software, hardware or its combination that provides management and technical support to the news, entertainment and marketing industry such as television broadcasting, radio broadcasting, cinema, live entertainment, publishing, newspaper, and internet news.

This category does not include computer/mobile games, animated or computer-generated features or movies.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Technologies, innovation & trend setting Demonstrates a good level of innovation in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on user experience and demand generation. The technology innovation is the main criteria to evaluate the product e.g. the technology innovation to develop advance human characterization in the animation film is the area to evaluate not the final film it self.
Creativity Demonstrates original, appropriate and differentiated ideas and concepts or new associations between existing ideas and concepts.
Market Potential Market Share & Potential The product has:
  • a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets
  • a good product growth path e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified products addressing different needs
  • a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
User Requirements The features of the product:
  • can fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer,
  • empower most users to accomplish their tasks easily/efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches,


  • the features of the product can provide user excitement and stimulate demand.
Compatibility & Interoperability The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market e.g. WiFi, WiMax, RFID, etc.
Application of Technology
Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; provides some degree of compliance to target user and prevailing regulatory regimes; and/or has won awards locally/ regionally/ internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable by end-users consistently; OR satisfies and sustains user enthusiasm.
Presentation Organisation of Presentation The presentation communicates on the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This award recognises the most outstanding ICT R&D project.

Any Information and Communication Technology research and development, conducted by academic, non-academic institutions, or individuals to create innovative products, processes, and services; and that such innovations have been completed fully but not yet actively marketed, or are already actively marketed but still no customer or installation, or not been completed but their features and functionalities can be demonstrated.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
Proof of Concept Commercial Potential The product has a good potential to be commercialized, or has demonstrated to have at least a pilot user to use it. The product has good potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Pilot Trial Product has been subjected to a pilot trial with some success.
User Requirements The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empower most users to accomplish their tasks easily/efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
Application of Technology
Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently..
Presentation Organisation of Presentation The presentation communicates on the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This award is presented to the most innovative nomination for an ICT solution that enhances retail and supply chain related activities.

Any integrated application software that addresses, support and enables the business process of planning, implementation, controlling the efficient and effective flow, transaction, storage and delivery of goods and services, resources planning, and structured data flows from the point of origin to point of consumption in order to meet customer requirements and equally addressing business issues and requirements of the retail industry. However please take note that the Retail Application must be, as far as possible, a fully integrated and distributed system that encompass the following modules, namely, POS for Store Management, Centralized Head Office for Merchandising, Inventory Control, Procurement, Accounting & Warehousing and encompassing Supply Chain Management offerings. Over and above this both CRM and Business Intelligence (BI) for Retail would add value but not necessary for this purpose.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Weighting Criteria Attributes Attributes Weighting Description
 20% Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation  60% Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting  40% Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
 25% Market Potential Market Share & Potential  60% The product has a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets, has a good product growth path, e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified product addressing different needs, as well as a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy  40% Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
 25% Functionalities/Features User Requirements  50% The features of the product:

  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability  50% The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
 20% Quality/
Application of Technology
Content & Standards  60% The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability  40% The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
 10% Presentation Organisation of Presentation  50% The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries  50% Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This award is presented to the most outstanding ICT project undertaken by a student or a group of students.

Generally refers to ICT projects by students involved in formal education prior to entering a tertiary institution, for example a university. While this category is generally aimed at secondary school student projects, entries from primary schools are not excluded, though it should be made clear to the primary school students that the same judging standards and criteria are applied equally to both primary and secondary school projects.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Application of Technologies Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity
Innovation Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment
Proof of Concept Understanding of Problem to be Solved Demonstrate a good understanding of specific problem in the local country environment problem to be solved, shows some ability to integrate that knowledge into the product creation process and the product has a good potential to be commercialized.
Understanding of Business Environment Demonstrates a good understanding of the business environment in product creation
User Requirements The features of the product:
  • has the ability to fulfil user requirements;
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer (if necessary); and
  • the design provides scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility and Interoperability The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
Quality Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of good workmanship (best practices); provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product stability & Reliability The product has been proven to be a stable and a reliable product.
Presentation Organisation of Presentation The presentation communicates on the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

The Security award recognises the most outstanding contribution to the security industry made by an ICT innovation.

Any application software, hardware or its combination that provides authentication support, intruder detection/prevention, antivirus, anti spyware, data and/or system protection and counter security checking system that is applicable to the information technology environment as well as other security systems at large.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Weighting Criteria Attributes Attributes Weighting Description
 20% Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation  60% Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting  40% Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
 25% Market Potential Market Share & Potential  60% The product has a good market share in the domestic market and has some market potential in the regional and/or international markets, has a good product growth path, e.g. likely to evolve into more diversified product addressing different needs, as well as a high potential to take over the market share from competing products.
Business & Financial Model/Strategy  40% Product positioning and marketing demonstrate defined and realistic business and financial management strategies.
 25% Functionalities/Features User Requirements  50% The features of the product:
  • fulfil all user requirements
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer
  • empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily and efficiently, and
  • are designed to provide scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability  50% The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
 20% Quality/
Application of Technology
Content & Standards  60% The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability  40% The product has been proven to be a stable and reliable product by end-users consistently.
 10% Presentation Organisation of Presentation  50% The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries  50% Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This award recognises the most outstanding ICT company that is still in the start-up phase of development.

Start-up Company is an Information and Communication Technology company which develops an innovative and potentially superior ICT product but the company itself is still considered at the early stage of inception. The Start-up Company must meet the following criteria:

  • The company must be a company fulfilling the criteria of eligibility for nomination.
  • The company registration date with the Government's Company Registration Scheme/Regulation must not be more than 3 years from the date of APICTA competition.
  • Founder of the company and or the product developers must still be the major share holder of the company.
  • The company must not be a subsidiary of well established parent company.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Business Model & Financial Marketing Demonstrates clear and thorough go-to-market strategy
Funding Demonstrates good financial efficiency and project good confidence in its revenue projections.
Innovation / Technology Application of Technology The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO and any other international standards; and provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement.
Product Innovation Product demonstrates a good mix of functions and features in an attractive presentation
Execution/ Team Composition/ Implementation Scalability of Operation Demonstrates good knowledge of business planning, business continuity know-how and realistic execution strategy.
Team Composition Demonstrates a clear and focused organization chart/structure, plus delineation of roles and responsibilities and team members have good industry/domain knowledge.
Investment Viability Quality of Customer Base Product has reasonably a good customer base in the local and regional markets and is likely to attract a good deal of attention of the investment community.
Market Share Shows good potential to maintain and increase market position by demonstrating good agility to react/anticipate changes in the business situations, with satisfactory ability to develop creative solutions and have a basic system in place towards managing change.
Unique Selling Proposition Market Entry Barrier/IPR Demonstrates good understanding and strategies to manage and minimise market entry barriers including resource ownership, patents and copyrights, government restrictions, and start-up costs.
Competitive Advantage & Differentiation Demonstrates good targeting strategy in which the company develops two or more marketing mixes to satisfy the needs of multiple segments of the market, to meet different needs and wants of users, and is able to influence the market price or quantity exchanged with some degree of market control.

The Sustainability & Environment Technology award is presented to the most innovative ICT solution that addresses sustainability issues and offers value on economy, environment and society.

The application of any, or a combination, of software, hardware, processes, products or services which address sustainability issues inclusive of, but not limited to, climate change, environmental conservation and impact and/or environmental initiatives such as life-cycle management, resource management, carbon emission reduction, carbon credit trading, environmental performance monitoring or renewable energy management. Sustainability is measuring metrics based on economic, environmental and social outcomes.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation Demonstrates a high level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
Value to society at large Triple Bottom Line The product provides value along these three aspects: a) economic – ability to do things faster, better, cheaper b) environmental – whole of life cycle from cradle to grave (including eWaste) and ability to offset carbon emissions c) social – ability to generate new jobs and facilitate economic growth and career development.
Environment Metrics Environmental performance metrics address the existing environmental impact of the industry, service and/or process the product addresses OR, the actual and/or potential environmental benefits of implementing the product.
Functionalities/Features User Requirements The features of the product fulfil all user requirements; shows good evidence of implementation from the customer; empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily/efficiently; and the design provides scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility/ Interoperability/ Security The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market, easy to maintain and fulfils all the basic user requirements for a secured system.
Quality/Application of Technology Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product stability & Reliability The product has proven to be consistently stable and reliable with end-users.
Presentation Organisation of Presentation The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This award recognises the most outstanding project undertaken by a tertiary (undergraduate) student or a group of students.

Any Information and Communication Technology project or research performed by a student or a group of students who are registered as active undergraduate students in a higher-learning institution, such as college or university during the APICTA Award competition or within 1 year period from his or her graduation date by providing proof of graduation certificate during delivery of the presentation.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Application of Technologies Demonstrates a good level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity
Innovation Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment
Proof of Concept Understanding of Problem to be Solved Demonstrate a good understanding of specific problem in the local country environment problem to be solved, shows some ability to integrate that knowledge into the product creation process and the product has a good potential to be commercialized.
Understanding of Business Environment Demonstrates a good understanding of the business environment in product creation
User Requirements The features of the product:

  • has the ability to fulfil user requirements;
  • show good evidence of implementation from the customer (if necessary); and
  • the design provides scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility & Interoperability The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market.
Quality Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of good workmanship (best practices); provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product Stability & Reliability The product has been proven to be a stable and a reliable product.
Presentation Organisation of Presentation The presentation communicates on the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.

This Award is presented to the most innovative nomination for developing ICT solutions for support of the tourism and hospitality industry.

Any application of software and/or hardware for the service based industries such as transport, food and beverage, tours, souvenirs, accommodation, health tourism, culture, adventure or simply escape and relaxation.


The entry will be judged on five criteria, each examining two attributes:

Criteria Attributes Description
Uniqueness Technologies & Innovation Demonstrates a high level of creativity in deploying appropriate technologies to develop the product, with a good mix of functions and features and focus on customer-centricity.
Trend Setting Product demonstrates good capability to solve a specific problem in the local country environment and there is no similar product in the Asia Pacific market.
Value to society at large Triple Bottom Line The product provides value along these three aspects: a) economic – ability to do things faster, better, cheaper b) environmental – whole of life cycle from cradle to grave (including eWaste) and ability to offset carbon emissions c) social – ability to generate new jobs and facilitate economic growth and career development.
Environment Metrics Environmental performance metrics address the existing environmental impact of the industry, service and/or process the product addresses OR, the actual and/or potential environmental benefits of implementing the product.
Functionalities/Features User Requirements The features of the product fulfil all user requirements; shows good evidence of implementation from the customer; empowers most users to accomplish their tasks easily/efficiently; and the design provides scalability and expandability for changing technologies and approaches.
Compatibility/ Interoperability/ Security The product is compatible and interoperable with most of the other systems in the market, easy to maintain and fulfils all the basic user requirements for a secured system.
Quality/Application of Technology Content & Standards The product has a good deployment of latest technology; satisfies the standard of CMM/ISO; provides some degree of compliance to target usage requirement; and/or has won awards locally/regionally/internationally.
Product stability & Reliability The product has proven to be consistently stable and reliable with end-users.
Presentation Organisation of Presentation The presentation communicates the key merits of the product clearly, effectively, informatively and in an attractive manner.
Enquiries Demonstrates thoughtful consideration of the question and provide good, clear and consistent competence in responses.